Have you ever purchased a product that came with a warranty, only to have that product fail right after the warranty period ended? While this situation is frustrating, it is not all that uncommon. Most products have a useful lifespan and any manufacturers that guarantee their products beyond that lifespan would likely be out of business in no time. Most manufacturers will only provide warranties that cover defects that cause a product to break down prematurely. For example, electronic devices will often come with a one- to five-year warranty. Any defects to the device that show up prior to the end of the warranty period will be covered by the manufacturer, but after the warranty period expires, you’re out of luck. You will have to pay out of your own pocket to have the device repaired or replaced.
Very few products come with a lifetime warranty. Some companies that are famous for providing lifetime warranties on their products are knife manufacturer Cutco, backpack maker JanSport, and tool manufacturer Craftsman. There are also a select few replacement window manufacturers that guarantee their windows for life.
Homeowners in Poway shopping for replacement windows with a lifetime warranty have a couple of great options. Anlin Windows and Monte Verde Windows, which are both sold in Poway by authorized dealers like BM Windows, come with a lifetime warranty or better. What’s better than a lifetime warranty? A double lifetime warranty. A double lifetime warranty is one that you can pass on to the next owner of your home.
Does a Lifetime Warranty Really Mean a Lifetime?
The term “lifetime” can be a little bit confusing. A lifetime warranty on replacement windows will cover those windows for as long as the original purchaser of the windows owns the home. If the house is sold a year after the replacement windows are installed, the warranty period ends. On the other hand, if the home stays in the possession of the purchaser of the windows for 20, 30, or even 40 years, the homeowner can still make a warranty claim if an issue ever pops up with their windows!
If you’re putting replacement windows in a Poway home that you plan to own for many years, buying windows with a lifetime warranty is a smart way to go!
Will a Replacement Window Manufacturer Really Honor Their Warranty?
A warranty is only as good as the company behind it. Some window manufacturers go out of their way to deny warranty claims for the tiniest of reasons, or make homeowners wait months before addressing issues. Others, like Anlin and Monte Verde, are very good about honoring their warranties.
Michal Bohm, owner of BM Windows, had this to say about Anlin and Monte Verde’s warranties: “Our company has been selling Anlin and Monte Verde replacement windows in Poway for many years. Our customers don’t often have problems with their high-quality products, but when there is an issue, the manufacturers are good about taking care of it—either by repairing or replacing the defective window. Not all replacement window manufacturers are like this. Some will deny just about any warranty claim, but not Anlin or Monte Verde. Of course, there are certain things they won’t cover—like if the problem is obviously the result of misuse of the windows, or if they were installed incorrectly—but for the most part, both Anlin and Monte Verde are great about honoring their warranties.”
To learn more about purchasing Anlin or Monte Verde replacement windows in Poway, visit the BM Windows website: https://www.bmwindowsca.com/